1967 Mustang before stripdown
Engine bay before dismantle
Dash LHD - owner wants aluminium trim
fitted during conversion
Engine out.
Dash and interior stripped.
Firewall cut out.
Cowl panel before cuts
Cowl after cut outs
Cowl RHD
Bottom of cowl with welded inserts.
Note: proper recessed panels for wiper arms. Wiper arms retained by self
tappers not correct.
Photo of my dog and cat - bit of light
Dash after cut out
Dash pieces before conversion.
Dash close up.
Dash pieces after cleaning
Dash now RHD
Firewall welded in and front of car after
Garnet blasting.
(Note sandblasting is now illegal in Victoria.)
Completed Right hand dash with Aluminium
inserts. |
Engine bay all painted with all components
fitted. |
Right hand dash complete and in place. |