1970 Ford Mustang

Typical Warranty Plate

Miscellaneous Vehicle Data

63A J BA S 5 22

Body type code 63A
Exterior Colour Code J
Interior Trim Code BA
Axle Ratio Code S
Transmission 5
District Code 22

Vehicle Warranty Number

0 T 02 G 120001

Model Year Code 0
Assembly Plant Code T
Body Series Code 02
Engine Code G
Numerical Sequence 120001

Model Year

0 1970


Assembly Plant

F Dearborn
R San Jose
T Metuchen


Series Type Description
01 65A Coupe
01 65B Coupe(Luxury Interior)
02 63A Fastback
02 63B Fastback(Luxury Interior)
03 76A Convertible
03 76B Convertible(Luxury Interior)
04 65E Coupe Grande (Luxury Interior)
05 76B Fastback Mach1 (Luxury Interior)


F 302 2v V8
G 302 4v V8 Boss
H 351 2v V8
L 250 1v V8
M 351 4v V8
Q 428 4v V8
R 428 CJ 4v V8
T 200 1v I6
Z 429 4v V8 Boss

Rear Axle

2 or K*


3 2.79:1
4 or M* 2.80:1
5 2.83:1
6 or O* 3.00:1
8 or Q* 3.20:1
9 or R* 3.25:1
A or S* 3.50:1
B 3.07:1
C 3.08:1
V* 3.91:1
W* 4.30:1

* w/Traction Lock


1 3 speed manual
5 4 speed (2.78)
6 4 speed (2.32)
U C-6 automatic
W C-4 automatic
X FMX automatic


Interior Trim

BA Black vinyl.
BB Blue vinyl.
BE Vermilion (red) vinyl
BF Ginger vinyl
BG Ivy Green vinyl
BW White vinyl
EA or TA Black deluxe Comfortweave
EB or TB Blue deluxe Comfortweave
EG or TG Ivy Green deluxe Comfortweave
EW or TW White deluxe Comfortweave
CE or UE Vermilion (red) deluxe w/stripe vinyl
CF or UF Ginger deluxe w/stripe vinyl
AA Black vinyl and cloth (Grande)
AB Blue vinyl and cloth (Grande)
AE Vermilion (red) vinyl and cloth (Grande)
AF Ginger vinyl and cloth (Grande)
AG Ivy Green vinyl and cloth (Grande)
AW White vinyl and cloth (Grande)
3A Black Comfortweave (Mach 1)
3B Blue Comfortweave (Mach 1)
3E Vermilion (red) vinyl (Mach 1)
3F Ginger vinyl (Mach 1)
3G Ivy Green Comfortweave (Mach 1)
3W White Comfortweave (Mach 1)


A Raven Black
C Dark Ivy Green
D Bright Yellow
G Medium Lime
J Grabber Blue
K Bright Gold
M Wimbledon White
N Pastel Blue
Q Medium Blue
S Medium Gold
T Candyapple Red
U Grabber Orange
Z Grabber Green
1 Calypso Coral
2 NewLime
4 Light Ivy Yellow
6 Acapulco Blue

D.S.O 1965-1973
District Code

11 Boston 45 Davenport (65/68)
12 Buffalo (65/66) 45 Lansing (72/73)
12 Buffalo (72/73) 46 Indanapolis (69/73)
13 NewYork 47 Cincinnati (69/73)
14 Pittsburgh (65/66) 48 Detroit (72/73)
14 Pittsburgh (72/73) 51 Denver (65/71)
15 Newark 52 Des Moines (65/68)
16 Philadelphia (67/73) 52 Dallas (72/73)
17 Washington (67173) 53 Kansas City
21 Atlanta 54 Omaha
22 Charlotle 55 St Louis
23 Philidalphia (65/66) 56 Davenport (69/73)
23 Memphis (72/73) 57 Houston (72/73)
24 Jacksonville 58 Twin Cities (72/73)
25 Richmond 61 Dallas (65/71)
26 Washington (65/66) 62 Houston (65/71)
26 New Orleans (72/73) 63 Memphis (65/71)
27 Cincinnati (67/68) 64 New Orleans (65/71)
28 Louisville (67/3) 65 Oklahoma City (65/71)
31 Cincinnati (65/66) 71 Los Angeles
32 Cleveland (65/71) 72 San Jose
33 Detroit (65/71) 73 Salt Lake City
34 Indianapolis (65/68) 74 Seattle
35 Lansing (65/71) 75 Phoenix (67/73)
36 Louisville (65/66) 76 Denver (72/73)
37 Buffalo (67/71) 81 Ford of Canada (65/68)
38 Pittsburgh (67/71) 83 Govemment
41 Chicago 84 Home Office Reserve
42 Fargo (65/68) 85 American Red Cross.
42 Cleveland (72/73) 87 Body Company (71/73)
43 Rocktord (65/66) 89 Transportation Serv.
43 Milwaukee (67/73) 8D Shelby Unit (68)
44 Twin Cities (65/70) 90-99 Export


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